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The 7 best PR blog posts I read this week


Lately, I’ve been on a big content aggregation kick in conversations with clients, colleagues and friends. So, I figured it was about time to practice what I preach!

I read a decent amount during the week–specifically between the hours of 7:30-8:30 a.m. and 9:30-11:30 p.m. Anything in between is usually involves working with a client or potential client or hanging with the family. So, I thought I’d compile a few of the posts I found most interesting throughout the week and share why. Hope you find it useful:

* 10 posts that re-energize your B2B blog. Love this post from Jeffrey Cohen for many reasons (OK, 10 of them). Specifically, I like #1, 3, 5 and 6 in this post. Great ideas for content generation–and not just for B2B blogs either.

* How Justin Bieber is killing your blog. Easily wins my vote for post title of the week. Oh, and the content ain’t too bad either 😉 I love Lisa’s first idea of ignoring your RSS feed for a week. Clear your head. Avoid conformity. This is why I read Lisa Barone regularly.

* How and why to reduce meetings. A topic near-and-dear to my heart, as a corporate employee for the better part of 10 years. Some great ideas from Mr. Singer here including the old “asking for forgiveness, not permission” mantra. Words to live by.

* Alexandra Kirsch and the perfect blogger pitch. Great example here of a solid blogger outreach pitch from Danny Brown. In the post, Danny even lays out specific pieces of pitch to demonstrate what worked–and why. As an industry (PR), we all need to get smarter about what constitutes effective blogger outreach.

* PR Pros: Stop treating bloggers like second-class media. I love this post by Gini Dietrich for the comments alone. Check them out–all 72 of them. Some great back-and-forth, lessons learned and painful pitches exposed. Fueled by the #sbt chat earlier in the week (Note to self: NEVER fire Gini Dietrich up 😉

* PR firms may not win social media business. Reality check time for PR. Jason Falls lays it all out there. And I have to say, he makes some pretty damn good points. What do you think?

* Content lessons from 25 blog posts. The lessons Jay learns–and shares–here are fantastic. In particular, I’m taking the headline factor lesson and his point about using unique words in your headlines (see Lisa Barone post above) to heart. And, I thought the learning about headline length was interesting, too (wonder what my analytics would tell me here).

Note: Photo courtesy of @suguruN via FlickR Creative Commons.



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